Installing Mephisto

Get Mephisto up and running like a pro!

Note: We are targetting Rails v1.2 for the Mephisto 1.0 release. So you will have to freeze to edge rails to get Mephisto working properly.

rake rails:freeze:edge

As of this writing, Mephisto is fine on the absolute latest edge rails.

See the latest directions in the Mephisto Docs.

  1. Create a database named mephisto (or one of your choosing).
  2. Copy config/database.example.yml to config/database.yml
  3. Open config/database.yml and set your database credentials.
  4. Upload the entire mephisto directory to your webserver.
  5. Run rake db:bootstrap RAILS_ENV=production from a terminal of some sorts.
  6. Login to your administration at with the username: admin and password: test

For help, visit the following:

About Mephisto

Mephisto was baked to golden perfection by Rick Olson(Development) and Justin Palmer(UI/Design) with contributions from a bunch of wicked cool people.